Get Organized With Bridges + CO

Do you need a body double?

My Life as a Body Double

It may seem funny to you, but I have quite a few jobs where my clients just need to have someone there to motivate them to work on their projects.  It is not that they are not capable of doing the work; the difficulty is sometimes finding the time to do the work.  Maybe it is going through the mail, doing the filing or purging the closet; just keeping on task is half of the battle. I tease my clients sometimes and tell them they are stuck with me as their body double for the duration of the job (generally 4 hours) but the truth is we get an amazing amount of work done in that focused period of time. I get a lot of comments like “I would never have been able to complete that on my own” or “that wasn’t as bad as I thought.”  Either way, it is nice to have someone there to help get that tedious (or overwhelming) job done in a timely fashion.
Sometimes just being held accountable to the time that was allotted is enough to motivate someone to get the job done. We all know that it is much easier to find something else to do when there is a job that isn’t a lot of fun to do (but I have to beg to differ with you on that one) because we are all busy and making the time is hard to do.
Another idea that I give my clients is to set a timer for 15 minutes to work on a project or a mess.  Knowing there is an end in sight makes the task a little easier to swallow. Whatever works best for you is fine; the key is to come up with a plan that works for you!

Happy Organizing!  Bridges

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