“What’s your best tip to quickly organizing my closet?” It’s one of the questions I get all of the time. People really seem to struggle with keeping their closets organized, however because organizing is not a “One Size Fits All” thing, there is no quick tip to I can offer that works for everyone…except Velveteen Hangers.
One of the only things that I can ALWAYS tell people, even before I look at their closet, is to purchase velveteen hangers.
These are the thinnest hangers on the markets which creates extra space in a cramped closet. The velvety material keeps any garment, even silk, from slipping off and cluttering up the floor. They are curved at the shoulders to prevent those annoying bumps that get created from other hangers. These hangers create a uniformity that keeps your closet looking neat and orderly. Plus, they can be purchased in suit hangers as well allowing your suit jackets and pants/skirts to be hung together.
The velveteen hangers I like the best can be purchased at The Container Store – “Huggable Hanger” for $9.99/pack of 10 and come in a variety of styles and colors. Costco also sells a velveteen hanger that is nice for $9.99/pack of 35 (but the quality is not quite the same, they shed slightly).
Yes, I know that I sound like an infomercial but this is one product that I tell all my clients to purchase even before I arrive at their home. It’s my “best tip” to organizing your closet.
Happy Organizing! Bridges