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FlipFold Shirt & Laundry Folder Review

Today we’re reviewing one of my favorite tools. Using this tool is as easy as it sounds. Within seconds, you’ll have a beautifully folded shirt. Using this tool should result in uniformly folded shirts.

FlipFold Shirt & Laundry Folder Review by a Professional Organizer

To use this tool, you’ll lay the FlipFold on a flat surface and place your shirt on top of the FlipFold, centered.

FlipFold placed on a work surface with a shirt on top, ready for folding.

Next, you’ll flip one side flap of the FlipFold to the center, creating your first fold in your shirt.

Flip a FlipFold side panel to create the first shirt fold.

Unfold the side flap, and repeat with the other side flap.

Fold the second side panel of the FlipFold to create the second shirt fold.

Next, if the bottom of your shirt extends beyond the bottom of the FlipFold, you want to fold the extended portion up, so the bottom of the shirt is even with the bottom of the FlipFold.

Now fold the bottom FlipFold flap up and return the bottom flap to the work surface. Now you have a perfectly folded T-Shirt.

Pro Tip: If you store your T-shirts in a drawer, I like to give the T-shirt one extra fold so the shirt can be placed in your drawer vertically.

A vertical placement will allow you to see your shirts as you open the drawer.

Purchase a FlipFold Shirt & Laundry Folder here.

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