Preparing for a trip can be a very exciting time or it can be a very stressful time, depending on how organized you are. Taking some time leading up to your trip, to pack your suitcase, will alleviate a great deal of last minute stress and ensure that you have all the items you need.
Consider taking the whole week prior to your trip to pack. Does this sound time consuming? Well, in reality, following these few tips will save you a great deal of time overall and allow you to begin your trip stress free.
1. Have your suitcase out and open the week prior to leaving for your trip.
2. Each day leading up to your trip, plan an outfit or two. Don’t forget accessories, shoes and socks, and undergarments. Make sure that all of the parts of your outfits are together. (Be sure to check the weather report for your destination so you can be sure you are choosing appropriate clothing.)
3. Instead of making a list of things to remember, simply collect the item as you remember it and drop it in your suitcase. (Don’t worry about the actual packing part at this time – just get it to the suitcase.)
4. A day or two in advance, grab your camera (make sure your batteries work), phone or tablet chargers, pajamas and miscellaneous item and toss them in your suitcase.
5. The day before you leave, take a few minutes to neatly pack your suit case to be sure that everything fits. Be sure to leave room for the toiletries you will need to get ready the next day.
6. The day you leave, you should be able to get dressed, drop your toiletries into your bag after you use them, and head out the door.
Vacations should be fun. So, why start your vacation stressed out because you were rushing to get packed? Taking a few minutes throughout the week, prior to your trip, should allow you to save time, energy, and avoid stress, which will help make your trip more enjoyable.
Happy Organizing!