Get Organized With Bridges + CO

Using Consignment Shops as You Declutter

I just love my business. I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to have the opportunity to help my clients create a life that feels clean and clear…where everything has its perfect place within their home or office. It’s my passion to help take them to the next level and remove the clutter to free up their spirit to enjoy the life they so deserve. What a gift!

As we begin to delve into the process, one tip I like to encourage my clients to do is utilize consignment shops. As we clear away the old items that are preventing orderly organization of the area we’re working on, I always suggest the possibility of making the really good items available for reuse while making a few extra dollars in the process rather than to just drop them into a donation bin or give them away. This gives the shops nicer things to sell and the client actually earns a little of their investment back to use how they will. It’s a win-win!

About Consignment Shops

In recent years, this resale niche has risen in popularity as people try to make money off of their discarded clothes, furniture and other household items. As more and more people are living sustainably, this recycle friendly business gives others to buy gently used products at a discounted price while the consignor can recoup some money for the item that still has value, but that they no longer need or find useful.

These days, if you can clear out clutter from your home and make some money off it, there is even more of an incentive to get cleaning and purge your closets or garage. Now I know all of you “think” you know what clutter is…it’s more than just a pile of stuff that drives you crazy! Check out this article I wrote that gives you a great idea on how to Organize and Clear that Clutter! Take it one step further – turn that clutter into cash!

According to Forbes’ Personal Finance, “To some people, consignment shops conjure up images of thrift stores… But for savvy shoppers who love luxury items, that’s all changed during the past decade–especially since the economic downturn.”

Consignment–Not Just For The Seller

Many people cannot afford the luxury of buying brand new or purchasing the high-end brand names that they would like to own. Consignment shops are the answer! Some shops are specific and only take certain items, such as furniture, sporting goods or clothing. Other shops carry a variety of items and their inventory can satisfy many needs.

Consignment shops for clothing are the most popular, as this is a commodity that people cannot live without. There are shops that are primarily for children and babies and others for adults. It is a fun experience to be able to shop and look through so many different brand names in one place!

The appeal of the consignment shop is in the potential for a good deal. Shoppers can have the goods they want at a lower price, and consigners see items that might have gone to waste, create revenue. And, of course, this frees up space in your house to help you get more organized and eliminate clutter. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Everyone has things in their house that they don’t need or use. Some people keep them simply because they feel they are too valuable to part with, but they have just become unwanted clutter. Consignment stores are the answer here, allowing the consigner to let go of items without feeling that they lost out.

Many shoppers, once they have learned about the system, become consigners themselves. And, so there is a continuous supply and demand that is being met.

Consignment shops help you cut clutter and make money on unwanted, unused items.

How Consignment Shops Work

Consigners have an account with the shop to keep track of the money that is being made from the sale of their items. The percentage of the sale price given to the consignor, and that percentage varies by location. Most shops allow for a collecting of monies at any time and will give you a check and an itemized list to let you know which item sold and how much you received from the sale.

Many shops have a timeline established where an item will go down in price once it has been on the floor for a certain number of days. For example, if a blouse has been for sale for 30 days, it is 25% off, for 60 days, it is 50% off, and for 90 days, it is 75% off. This presents an even greater opportunity for savings and increases sales for the consigner.

Consignment stores can be very particular about the items they will accept. Some clothing-only shops will take clothes under the following conditions: The item is clean, without stains or tears, is not visibly worn out, doesn’t have any odor or wrinkles, is in season and is in line with the current fashions.

Many items do not pass the test put forth by the consignment shop, but this is to ensure the buyer the best quality the shop can provide. When the shops have more product then they can use or accommodate, they either return them to the consigner, or they donate them to a local charity that can put them to good use. Nothing is wasted.

Knowing these factors can ease a shopper’s mind that a consignment store is another kind of thrift store full of old, outdated junk that no one wants or needs. There is definite concern over the quality of product that is being turned into inventory and sold to the public. This is what makes consignment so popular; knowing you are getting good quality for a good price!

There are consignment shops everywhere and in every major city. You can find one to fit your particular needs by searching online. Feel free to take in some of your unused belongings when you go; begin the process of getting your life more organized. It is a simple step to take that benefits you.

It is easy to see why the popularity of consignment shops has grown increasingly in the last few years. People will always be looking for a great bargain, and people will always have extra things that they don’t need and want to make a profit. When those two things come together, it’s a beautiful thing.

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