According to some Natural Disaster Statistics more then 897,000 people are effected by natural disasters every year.  (According to  Do you know where all your important papers are in an emergency?  Would you be able to retrieve your important documents if you only had a few minutes to do it?  Me neither, but I recently discovered this new product that I will be using in my own home.  It’s called LifeinCase.

As a professional organizer I can see the benefits of this system for my clients.  Organizing is so much easier for people if they know what they need to do.  The beauty of this system is that it already has a checklist of all the documents you need, you simply have to find them and put it into the case.  More importantly, as a busy, working parent with a diabetic son, I can see the personal advantage to having all of my own family’s papers in a single place, organized so that not only I can find them, but so can my children.  It gives me piece of mind that they will know where all of our important family documents and medical records are kept.

If organizing your important papers is a priority for you, I highly recommend that you consider this organizing tool.  If you go to and order using the coupon code “GETORGANIZED” you will receive 10% off of your order.  If you are in the military or a veteran you can receive 15% off of your order with coupon code “GETORGANIZEDMILITARY”.  Once you get all your important documents in place you can rest easy knowing that you have everything you need if an emergency arises.

Below is an excerpt from the LifeinCase website that explains the benefits of this new organizing tool.

LifeinCase is an organizational tool that:

  • Takes the guesswork away: Offers convenient checklists of 50 essential documents to store in 5 categories.
  • Takes the stress away! Checklist guidelines and 5 individual folders—a positive way to begin a larger project.
  • Empowers you! Encourages a positive approach in gathering documents and offers independence in managing important papers.
  • Offers a handy place to keep it all: A 500 sheet capacity, grab-and-go tote is right-sized: small enough to store and travel with you, but large enough to hold all your essentials.

After two years of research and development, we created a storage solution that strives to cut through the clutter that years of poor document storage can create.  LifeinCase® organizes documents into an intuitive five-part system: Personal, Medical, Property, Estate, and Financial each featuring a durable file folder and handy checklist of suggested documents to store – taking the guesswork out of what to keep.

Happy Organizing!  Bridges