Is your closet the last place that you think about? Is it the first place that you head in the morning? Does the rest of the house look great but your closet is piled high with “stuff” that shouldn’t be there?
I am amazed to see this a lot this with my clients. Their closet is the very last place in the house that is a priority…they can shut the door and worry about it later. Does this sound familiar? Or is your desire just to be able to find what you need when you need it? Whatever your situation is, I would like to provide some simple solutions for you and your closet.
The greatest solution that I can provide is to HANG EVERYTHING! Keep in mind that if it is out of sight, it is out of mind. There are a lot of times that I get in there and hang things only for the client to say, “Wow, I didn’t know I had all of those black t-shirts!” You need to take ownership in what you have and if things are folded and not categorized, you will have the same casualty they are.
If you are going to work on your closet, PURGE, PURGE and PURGE some more! Remember, you only wear 20% of what you have in your closet, so why are you hanging onto everything? Create that positive energy to bring something new into your closet by getting rid of the dead weight that is hanging in there. Keep an ongoing donations or consignment basket in your closet so if you put something on that you know you will just not wear again, don’t hang it up, put in the basket to move it on out of there!
Finally, when you are done purging start by sorting all of your clothes by like items. Make it simple and put all of your spaghetti straps, short sleeve t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, layering pieces, pants and then slacks together by a single category. Yes, I mix together business attire with casual attire because you will see a ton more options if you do categorize this way. Plus, use this time to simplify what is going on in your closet. I am going to leave you with a few before and after pictures to provide some motivation for you.
I LOVE doing closets because the impact of a well organized closet is good for the soul every single day. Make your closet work for you and quit struggling with it every day!