In your lifetime, you’ll cover enough driving distance to go to the moon & back 3 times!

Car Organizing 101

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with organizing and wondered where to start? Where do we spend most of our time each day?  The car!  This is a perfect place to start organizing and maintain a clutter free lifestyle.

These are some simple organizing tips that will help keep your car clutter-free and organized.

Keep a small trash can or bag in the car for trash.

  • Empty the trash every night
  • Teach the kids to use the trash can too

Clean up the car while you fill up the gas tank.

  • Empty the trash can
  • Organize and discard unwanted items

Consider using a basket for the front passenger seat or floorboard to keep necessary items and collect purchases each day.

  • Bring into house and empty each night
  • Replenish necessary items such as kleenex, wipes, etc.

The Container Store has some great over the seat organizers to maintain a clutter-free car.