Organizing with Filing Systems

Here are a few quick tips to help you out with organizing your filing systems.  What is important to remember is to “make files and not piles” to manage your flow of paperwork!  To do this though, you need to maintain a routine purging system.  I know,...

Managing Emails In 10 Steps

Here are a few tips to managing emails so you reduce stress and spend an appropriate and useful amount of time on e-mails!   1.  Put a hold on reading those email for 30 minutes every day.  It is important to figure out your day first instead of getting sucked...

Smart Organizing In Your Work Space

  There is much to be done these day in all our businesses in order to flourish.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed or to spend time on the wrong tasks.  Here are some great ideas for smart organizing and staying  productive. Keep your eye on the prize. ...