
Start decluttering your life by cutting down on the junk mail you receive on a daily basis!

We all receive way too much junk mail that goes directly into the trash without hesitation.  As a way to green up the way that we live, try contacting the Direct Mailing Association to have your name removed.  You can contact them at 212.768.7277 or email them at

For credit card offers, you can contact 1-888-5-OPT-OUT or 1-888-567-8688 to have them quit sending you credit card offers.  Their recording will ask you for some information, including your social security number, so be prepared to give them the information.

And finally, to cancel some of the catalogs that you receive in the mail contact

I hope some of these contact help you with the clutter that you receive at the mailbox and help you go just a little greener!

Happy Organizing! Bridges