I hope that you have had a wonderful holiday season so far. As we wrap up the season and start looking towards next year many of us will make a New Year’s Resolution. Resolutions can be a great way to get motivated to make a change in your life, unfortunately statistics show that only about 8% of people actually achieve their goal. In general, resolutions are the grand plan of how we would really like to be or look or live our lives. However, most people fail because they have no idea how to accomplish that grand plan. It is essential to have small steps, or mini-goals, in place in order to truly have a chance to succeed at keeping your New Year’s Resolution.
According to statisticbrain.com, getting organized is the second most frequent New Year’s Resolution made by people. This is a great resolution because it improves so many other aspects of your life. If you live an organized life you will have that extra time to spend with your family, to get healthy or to discover a new hobby. Once you start getting organized you will see that it has a snowball effect. Getting one area of your home organized leads to wanting more areas of your home organized. Once your home is organized, you will find that you want all areas of your life organized. Unfortunately, “getting organized” is a very broad topic and a difficult goal to achieve without some basic planning. Make your New Year’s Resolution to get organized but accomplish your goal with small steps. Have a list of easily achievable goals for each month. For example:
January – Organize Closets, February – Organize Office, March – Organize Kitchen, etc.
Then take it a step further and break down each month into smaller steps. For example:
January – Week One – Organize the hall or linen closets (start with the smallest and most manageable task or area).
January – Week Two – Organize the kids closets (have donation boxes and garbage bags ready to go before you start).
January – Week Three – Organize master closet (if you have not used it within the last year or it does not fit your right now – get rid of it).
January – Week Four – Take item for donation to Goodwill (enjoy the feelings of accomplishment and community service).
Do the same thing for the next months. Taking the smallest, most manageable areas first in order to finish what you start. Breaking down that large resolution into these manageable steps will help you to feel less overwhelmed by your resolution and will provide feelings of accomplishment along the way. These little efforts and positive feeling are what will push you to want to continue working towards your resolution goal. Get some great organizing tips from my eHow video series “Organizing with Style” and my teleseminar series “Bridge the Chasm from Overwhelmed to Organized”.
From the bottom of my heart I want to Thank You for your continued interest and support of Get Organized with Bridges. I truly hope that 2014 is your best year ever.
Happy New Year and Happy Organizing!
Excellent advice! Thank you. Kim