Three Keys for Office Organization

Many people think the organizing business is all about the home, but that’s not true! Many of my clients are busy professionals who find a home away from home at their workplace. If you’re the kind of person who puts in long hours at the office or home office, I’ve...

The Bedroom: Where Clutter Lays its Head

It’s no secret that your bedroom is a reflection of your entire home. This is the room where we spend about 1/3 of our entire lives—and that’s just during the 8 hours when we’re asleep! Unfortunately, it can also become a place for clutter to get comfortable....

Joy in the Little Things

When most people think of finding joy in the little things, the mind conjures up an image of a child’s laughter, a smile from a stranger or a flower bud pushing up from underneath the snow. These are typical images. Joy in Organization For me, as an organizer, joy can...