Final Golden Rule of Organization!

Final Golden Rule of Organization!

Here we are at the end of this series of blogs on the golden rules of organization.  I hope that you have found them helpful and useful to you and your life. The final rule that I apply to my life and to the life of my clients is “do it right away!”  If it...

Neatness Delayed is Neatness Denied

I just read this post on Sandra Felton’s daily post, “The Organizer Lady” and I wanted to pass this along for those that struggle with delayed decisions (piles of stuff) to think about. One of the differences between people whose houses look good...

Delayed Decisions

As you may recall, a powerful habit for change is “When you get it out, put it back.” This slogan needs one more additional important word to make it really powerful. Because it is so important, I will risk repeating myself. “When you get it out, put...

No Regrets

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the fact that you missed out on living a normal uncluttered life, spent time struggling with the problem of “stuff”, and could not have friends over freely because you were embarrassed of your space....