29 Ways to “Love Your Home”

29 Ways to “Love Your Home”

Do you feel like you have tried and tried to declutter and organize your home? Have you ever felt like something was missing? Taking the time to love and beautify your home is also part of the organizing process. Some people find that they love the beautifying part...
Creating Healthy Boundaries…

Creating Healthy Boundaries…

Creating Healthy Boundaries… Do you have trouble setting or maintaining healthy boundaries when it comes to organizing?  Don’t worry this is something that many people struggle with related to organizing.  Maintaining organizational boundaries may...
Do you need a body double?

Do you need a body double?

My Life as a Body Double It may seem funny to you, but I have quite a few jobs where my clients just need to have someone there to motivate them to work on their projects.  It is not that they are not capable of doing the work; the difficulty is sometimes finding the...
Garage Organization

Garage Organization

Garage Organization Guest blog by Stephanie Hanson of Monkey Bars Garage Storage and Organization Name the messiest room in your home. Is it the kitchen? Nope. Bathroom? Guess again. Closet in your bedroom? Not even close. For most people, the garage is by far the...